Sunday, January 25, 2009

I Just Signed Up For A Bunch Of Fanlistings

I dont know why, I just did. I love Linkin Park and Rurouni Kenshin. They both kick ass! Although it's kinda funny cause I used the same name over and over AND OVER again. I used xXKenshinxxRurounixxHitokirixxBattousaiXx. I just realized that that was incredibly long, but I doubt anyone else would use it. I even used it on the Linkin Park fanlisting. LOL.

Another thing I just realized is that I'm going back to school tomorrow. I need to make up work that's a week old. Fantastic (not really). I'm pretty much screwed here. Ah well, I won't get anything done by pussyfooting around. Although, I am lazy, and I procrastinate, ALOT.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I don't know why I like things like this. It's so fun and it keeps my interest. Oppish is fun to speak and type. I will type something in Oppish then I will translate it into English.

Hopellopo. I amop nopamopedop Dopianope. I lopikope lopisoptopinopgop topo bopanopdopsop lopikope AopFopI anopdop Sopenopsopesop Fopailop. I amop inop mopiddoplope sopcophopoolop anopdop I hopavope a hopanopdopfopulop ofop fopropienopdopsop tophopatop I lopookop upop topo. I lopovope eacophop onope ofop tophopem anopdop I wopoulopdop hopatope topo sopee sopomopetophopinopgop bopadop hopappopenop topo anopyop ofop tophopemop.

Hello. I am named Diane. I like listening to bands like AFI and Senses Fail. I am in middle school and I have a handful of friends that I look up to. I love each one of them and I would hate to see something bad happen to any of them.

Yeah, I know that was really random, but this blog is titled "Da Randomness Thingy".